Monday, March 14, 2016

7th Grade

Instructions for Google Sketchup

2 floor complete with windows and doors
Add 10 Trees
Add 5 Cars
Add Animals and Persons
Add color to your house design

Send it to my email
before Friday (March 27, 2015 )

20 Points total

3rd Grade Movie Maker Project 

Adobe Master Collection CS6

Add pictures and Photos of program Enviroments for each slide
Do this in powerpoint add animation and Slide Transition
Remember to add a cover page with name and grade
at the end of the class send to Email:  

1.What products are in Adobe® Creative Suite® 6 Design Standard? What products are in Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium?
2.What products are in Creative Suite 6 Production Premium?
3.What products are in Creative Suite 6 Master Collection?
4.If I own CS5/CS5.5 Design Premium or CS5/CS5.5 Web Premium, can I upgrade to CS6 Design & Web Premium?
5.Can I distribute a Creative Suite 6 edition across multiple users or computers?
6.Why did Adobe make the decision to support only 64-bit operating systems with Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and After Effects CS5?
7.I use a 32-bit version of Windows and want to purchase CS6 Production Premium or Master Collection. What should I do?
8.What's the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems?What do I need to do to upgrade to a 64-bit operating system on a Mac?
9.What do I need to do to upgrade to a 64-bit operating system on windows?What are Adobe's plans for the other components of Creative Suite? Will the rest of Adobe Creative Suite be 64-bit native on Mac OS and Windows?
10.I am running earlier versions of After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro software on a 32-bit operating system. What are my options for upgrading to Creative Suite 6?
11.What are the recommended system configurations for video production?
12..Will Adobe continue to support the version of Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects that I am currently running on a 32-bit system?
13.Is Creative Suite 6 supported on the current release of Mac OS X®?Is Creative Suite 6 supported on the current release of Windows®?

Answers Link CLICK ME


Project #1

ELEMENTARY: 4th Partial Content  ( 04 April- 8 April 2016 )
1st Grade
Lego Designer

Basic Introduction
2nd Grade

Bricks, Movement, colors, Shapes and Layout
3rd Grade
Comic Life

Creating a Poster of Animals and Plants

4th Grade


Movie Maker
Adding photos, text , effects and video
5th Grade
Movie Maker

6th Grade
 Microsoft Visio

ELEMENTARY: 4th Partial Content ( 04 April- 8 April 2016 )
7th Grade

Introduction to Scratch
Adding Motion, animation, color and pattern
8th Grade

Prezi editiing, adding motion on canvas, and 3d layers
9th Grade
Wings 3D


Developing Shinny bottoms, adding effects
 and shadows to pictures
10th Grade
Game Maker

11th Grade
Adobe Ilustrator